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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

205 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Rendez-vous de Caluire
Marielle Larriaga, Gilbert Larriaga | France | 1993 | 26 mn

On the 21st June 1943 eight men go to the meeting arranged by he who was to reorganise the Resistance Movement, Jean Moulin. Parachuted into France from London, sent by General de Gaulle, Jean Moulin, “Max”, “Régis” or “Jacques...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Vie saltimbanque
François Chilowicz | France | 1993 | 127 mn

In 1942 Jean Saltel is 18 years old, he joins the first Resistance groups in Lorraine. Arrested by the French police he is deported to Büchenwald. After a year spent enduring extremes of Nazi horrors he is repatriated in 1945. But liberated...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Pierre des faux papiers
Emmanuel Laborie | France | 1993 | 54 mn

Pierre Kahn became Pierre farelle to hide his Jewish name. Nicknamed "Pierre of the counterfeit papers" by his companions in the Resistance, he remembers how the forging of counterfeit papers evolved : it developed from the try-out at the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une écaille du dragon
Charlotte Tourrès, Christophe Cornard | France | 1993 | 20 mn

On the way back, the docks of the port at Le Havre pass by in the night. On one wall, a commemorative plaque recalls : "Maurice Verncihon, arrested january 1941, dead in Auschwitz." A sailor communist and resistance worker. The day breaks, the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Ombre portée
Robert Bober | France | 1993 | 30 mn

"The world has to know" - such was the cry of resisting Jews in the Ghetto of Varsow, collecting archives and evidence to fight against silence. Fifty years later, what is the place of this event - and, more largely, the memory of the Shoah in the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Oubliés de l'histoire
Daniel Kupferstein | France | 1993 | 55 mn

This film tells, with interviews and documents, of the various histories of men and women from other countries, immigrants in France or belonging to the French colonies, who fought in the Resistance and for the Liberation of France. Some of them...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment André Bosiger
Bernard Baissat | France | 1993 | 57 mn

Dans une Suisse que l’on se plaît à voir paisible, l’existence d’André Bosiger fait figure d’exception. Après une enfance et une adolescence jurassiennes, toutes faites de résistance à un milieu hostile et étouffant, l’itinéraire...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Marcourt ou la mémoire secrète
André Dartevelle, Francis Dujardin | Belgique | 1992 | 60 mn

The contemporary sequel to a dramatic incident in a village of the Ardennes at the end of the 2nd World War : the brutal execution of 9 hostages in retaliation for the attack of a German convoy by a Resistance group in the district. In Marcourt...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Front du Nord
Hugues Le Paige | Belgique | 1992 | 52 mn

"The Northern Front" is a work on memory about the War of Algeria. More precisely, on the Belgian solidarity movement towards Algerian. The film recounts this struggle, through the stories of men and women who belonged at that time to the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Messagers de l'ombre
Michel Van Zèle | France | 1991 | 114 mn

Évocation de l'attitude des écrivains et éditeurs français pendant l'Occupation allemande, de 1940 à 1944, et pendant la période d'épuration, conçue en deux parties : "De la débâcle à la clandestinité" et "De la Libération à...

205 films