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Sciences humaines > Psychanalyse

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

141 films
Rwanda, un cri d'un silence inouï
Anne Lainé | France | 2003 | 52 mn

In Rwanda today, 7 years after the genocide, a large part of the population lives with a bomb inside their heads which can explode at any moment. These people, survivors of all ages of the genocide, have what the psychiatrists call "traumatic...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Chiapas, le coeur et l'effroi
Variety Moszynski | France | 2003 | 52 mn

In Mexico today, eight years after the signing of the Nafta free-trade agreements and their armed uprising, the people of the Chiapas live at odds with the Mexican State, which has translated into a latent conflict, called "the low-intensity war"....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Couleur des maux
Aurélie Jourdan | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Although not officially recognised, art therapy is developing in France in different places, in various forms. In a studio in Saint-Etienne, stories and emotions are thrown on to the paper, are painted conscientiously then become words. It all...

Nos inquiétudes Nos inquiétudes
Judith Du Pasquier | France | 2003 | 55 mn

The film started with a very simple idea : listening to talk about psychoanalysis from those who have experienced it or are experiencing it. Ordinary people, like you and me, who are suffering in their heads, in their bodies, like everybody else....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Jacques Hassoun, de mémoire
Paul Perez | France | 2003 | 90 mn

Petite histoire de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle à partir de la vie, des engagements et l'œuvre de Jacques Hassoun, psychanalyste, juif, égyptien, décédé en 1999.

Le Voyage en solitaire
Réjane Varrod | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Depression cannot be reduced to a state of crisis, but finds its origins in a shifting and evolving process. This long voyage from annihilation to appeasement can be considered a period of initiation and can something bring about true rebirth....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Enfants de l'image
Eric Darzin | France | 2003 | 53 mn

Children’s are fascinated by the image either drawn, televisual or in form of video game, created by adults. But what really happens? Is children’s perception identical to that of adults? Some children and their parents converse about their...

vaderetro Vade retro Satanas
Philippe Rouget | France | 2002 | 54 mn

Comment combattre le diable, de l’exorciste au psychanalyste ? Passez les portes de l'enfer et pénétrez l'univers sulfureux de Satan ! Un documentaire étonnant, animé comme un jeu vidéo, où théologiens, prêtres, psychanalystes et...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Carpe diem
Bertrand Clech | France | 2002 | 28 mn

This is a dive into a human enigma, the enigma that autistic people have inside them. It is a poetic walk in a universe that is so far and yet so near. The strangeness of autism is not shown from a medical or journalistic point of view, but filmed...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Divan
Daqmar Jacobsen | France | 2002 | 26 mn

How can we define a psychoanalyst ? A psychoanalyst is interested in the mechanisms of words, interpretation and construction. He exercises a very refined art of listening. What position does that confer on him ? We try to identify the...

141 films