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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

78 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Abeilles mutantes
Thierry Berrod | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Serie: The invisible Invaders Honeybees -much more than of other insects fascinate us by their remarkable organization and their many skills. Their popularity is not any more to prove, and humans love them. Beewax and honey providers, they...

L'Aile d'un papillon
Nick De Pencier | Canada, France | 2004 | 78 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Alerte moustiques
Thierry Berrod | France | 2001 | 50 mn

An international investigation about a minute animal at war against mankind since the beginning of time. The mosquito can be simply a nuisance. It detects the carbon dioxide that comes from breathing and the lactic acid due to perspiration and...

Annabelle ou La Petite Histoire d'un grand paon de nuit
Philippe Parolini | France | 2017 | 24 mn

The night of the Great Peacock The nocturnal great peacock has long been a mystery. This butterfly takes flight at dusk for a fleeting life deprived of any food as all its energy keeps being focused on one single goal: reproduction. Here is some...

Anophèle Prédateur
Jean-Luc Miheaye | France | 2011 | 52 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ants Connexion
Rodolphe Bonneau | France | 2009 | 17 mn

Un cloporte opportuniste nous dépeint l'organisation mafieuse d'une colonie de fourmis.

Mano Khalil | Suisse | 2013 | 107 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Apis News
Yves Elie | France | 1996 | 26 mn

The knowledge on the bee has leapt foward thanks to the use the molecular biology new tools. "Apis News" deals with 3 themes of research on this insect : 1- The recognition of the level of kinship - The queen bee is fertilised by several males,...

assassineaudouce Assassins d'eau douce
Jean Painlevé | France | 1947 | 25 mn

The film “Les Assassins d'eau douce” (Freshwater Assassins) ends in glorious, shameless anthropomorphism. After we've watched insects, crustaceans and other assorted water bugs engage in acts such as "injecting gastric juice and swallowing the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Attaville
Gérald Calderon | France, Belgique | 1997 | 90 mn

The social insects, ants, bees, termites, wasps, have always fascinated men and the apparent similarity between the human community and an ant-hill has often given rise to hasty comparisons. In the ant world, it often happens that workers,...

78 films