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Sciences > Biologie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

216 films
Adam, roi des singes
Jean-Paul Fargier | France | 1997 | 50 mn

The film, by combining different types of images (animations, archives, interviews), describes the evolutionary stages that mark man's apparition and explains the causes of transitions between these stages throughout the evolution process. This...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Temps des lagunes
Luc Bongrand | France | 1996 | 52 mn

The scene : the inside sea of Thau on the meditrenean front. What is as stake : how Thau was restored by natural lagooning. The drama of the movie is based on the continuous relationship between Thau and man through centuries. The enquiry is built...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À l'écoute des manchots
Georges Laurent | France | 1996 | 15 mn

Yvon Le Maho, director of research at CNRS, presents the research of an international campaign involving king penguins carried out on Possession Island in the Indian Ocean. The main activity of his laboratory, the Centre d'Écologie et de...

La Fabrique du corps humain
Marc Huraux | France | 1996 | 70 mn

This series, about history of anatomy, deals with a very peculiar scientific object : the human body, as occidental science reconstructs it, reproduces it, remodelizes it and, by doing this, recreates it, between the Renaissance and the 19th...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Odyssée des vaccinations
Josette-Alice Bos | France | 1996 | 29 mn

This is the fascinating and stil up-to-date story of man’s long effort to protect himself from infectious diseases. A trip by helicopter in the space-time world of vaccination shows us the wonderful pictures of civilisations who have shared in...

biocoupfoudre La Biochimie du coup de foudre
Thierry Nolin | France | 1996 | 60 mn

A scientific trip that is both rigorous and licentious! This disturbing exploration of our "states" shows by example what our emotions owe to the chemistry of the body... Where have scientific studies of sexuality got to? We already knew that...

Une mort programmée
Peter Friedman, Jean-François Brunet | France, Belgique | 1995 | 71 mn

"Death by design" is a cinematic and entertaining look at recent discoveries in biology - and ultimately parallels between the world we inhabit and the microscopic world each one of us is. Every human being is a society of much smaller individual...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Symphonie fantastique
Josette-Alice Bos | France | 1995 | 30 mn

Aimed at an informed general public, medical students and practitioners, this film explains the functioning of the human body's immune response to vaccination in a delightfully different and engaging way. Three of the most typical of vaccinations...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Odorat
Franck Moisnard | France | 1995 | 13 mn

"Allo la Terre" est une série d'émissions documentaires encyclopédiques à visée pédagogique. Misant sur l'interdisciplinarité, chaque émission aborde un thème suivant 4 (ou 5) axes : géographie, histoire, (vie quotidienne), sciences et...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Goût
Jean Réal | France | 1995 | 13 mn

Allo la Terre est une série d'émissions documentaires encyclopédiques à visée pédagogique. Misant sur l'interdisciplinarité, chaque émission aborde un thème suivant 4 (ou 5) axes : géographie, histoire, (vie quotidienne), sciences et...

216 films