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Société > Violence

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

1079 films
ni olvido1 Ni olvido ni perdón
Richard Dindo | Suisse | 2003 | 120 mn

"Ni olvido ni perdón" recrée de façon saisissante une période sombre de l’histoire du Mexique, qui a laissé des traces indélébiles dans la mémoire du peuple mexicain. Durant l’été 1968, peu de temps avant l’ouverture des Jeux...

Get Rid of Yourself
Bernadette Corporation | États-Unis | 2003 | 63 mn

Témoignages d’émeutiers et textes apocryphes au service d’un éloge incertain de la violence ? Étude en acte des stratégies de récupération des débordements contestataires ? Entre hallali et constat pessimiste, "Get Rid of Yourself"...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Ombre dévoilée
Raphaël Karim | France | 2002 | 65 mn

"Insecurity and violence, rightly or wrongly, were very largely reported on by the media at the time of the presidential and general elections. Everyone analyses on his own level the game and the stakes of these phenomena producing unease in...

Madagascar, 7 mois de chaos
Gaël Mocaër | France, Madagascar | 2002 | 52 mn

Between December 2001 and July 2002, Madagascar experienced the worst crisis in its history. For seven months, president candidates Didier Ratsiraka and Mark Ravalomanana clashed for power. The war between the two men destroyed and ruined the...

Pacification en Algérie La Pacification en Algérie
André Gazut | France | 2002 | 60 mn

Where does submission to authority end ?Where does individual responsibility start ? These are the questions faced by all people and communities confronted to violence. "The Dirty work" : this is how the Algerian War was defined by a second...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Chaînes de garde
Nicolas Torres Correia | Belgique | 2002 | 25 mn

I arrived in Genoa on July 18, 2001, it was a Wednesday. I could not have predicted that was to happen would make History ? Yet, it is precisely about stories that I wish to speak and particularly those who tell them, journalists. One of them was...

Bienvenue en Colombie
Catalina Villar | France, Colombie | 2002 | 65 mn

Two millions people displaced, 1 million Colombians who have been migrating for five years, 35 000 murders per year, 70 000 antipersonnel mines scattered all over the country, a kidnapping every ten minutes : Colombia is the theatre of one of the...

Cormeilles, l'enfance tue
Christian Passuello | France | 2002 | 52 mn

Février 2001, la fille d'un ami de Jean-Yves Cendrey, écrivain, lui confie avoir été victime d'agressions sexuelles. Les faits remontent à 10 ans, lorsqu'elle était élève de CP à l'école publique de Cormeilles. Elle lui parle de...

bruitodeur Le Bruit, l'Odeur et Quelques Étoiles
Éric Pittard | France, Belgique | 2002 | 106 mn

On a cold winter’s night, a young teenager was killed at point blank range by a policeman during an attempted robbery. This 17 year old kid was called Habib and all his pals in the development where he lived in Toulouse nicknamed him Pipo. The...

justice-zamani Justice pour Zamani
Reynald Bertrand | France | 2002 | 44 mn

On 8 February 2000, Zamani Derni, 25, died in prison in Nantes, one month before his release. A prison officer announced the news to his sister saying on the phone that he "committed suicide by hanging himself in the cooler"... On his head there...

1079 films