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Économie > Syndicat

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

257 films
Reportage à Lota
José Roman, Diego Bonacina | Chili | 1970 | 20 mn

Hervé Le Roux | France | 1997 | 190 mn

On June 10, 1968, students filmed the striking workers at the Wonder factory in Saint-Ouen returning to work. A young woman refused to follow her colleagues. Today, the quest to find this woman seems like an obsessive investigation...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Retour sur l'île Seguin
Mehdi Lallaoui | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Rien ne nous est donné
Benjamin Durand | Belgique | 2018 | 58 mn

« A strike it’s 24/7 en you fall on your knees after a few days ; then hop, you have to get back on your feet en tell yourself : come on, we have to keep up the fight ». Brussels. Strikers tell us their struggles. The organization, the...

Rivers Valleys Mountains
Marco Kugel | Allemagne, Autriche | 2014 | 41 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Robert Bothereau
Bernard Baissat | France | 2000 | 40 mn

Premier secrétaire de la Confédération CGT-Force Ouvrière, de sa création en 1948 jusqu'en 1963, Robert Bothereau est né à Beaugency, dans le Loiret en 1904. Le film retrace, dans le cadre historique, son itinéraire de militant...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Rue des ateliers
Yvan Petit | France | 2003 | 95 mn

In 1983 the workers at the Cadoux railway repair workshop were brought back into the SNCF. This film follows this struggle from its origins in 1920 when 2000 railwaymen from the town of Saint-Pierre des Corps were dismissed, to 1983, when Charles...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Rue des Filles de Chantelle
Danielle Lefebvre, Véronique Ménard | France | 1997 | 51 mn

The closure of a factory making upmarket corsets that was making money but was to be subjected to the implacable law of profit. This is the story of the "Chantelles" of Saint-Herblain in Loire-Atlantique, women workers who have had long training...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Saga des Massey
Jérôme de Missolz | France | 1997 | 52 mn

Massey Fergusson was a leading company for the whole region of Beauvais in France. It employed three thousand people, two thousand of whom were union members. The Massey plant established social policy for other companies in the region. In 1984,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sauf la lutte
Catherine Tréfousse | France | 2002 | 52 mn

A portrait of some women who fought for the survival of the Moulinex firm. Economic history is the back-cloth, it constitutes the dramatic progression. At the same time, Marie-Carole and Eliane recount the past and analyse economic life, their...

257 films