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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

804 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Sens de la marche
Monique Sicard, Jean-Paul Fargier | France | 1995 | 9 mn

Through a brief reflecion on relationships between mand and machine at the end of the 19th century, this short film pays a tribute to the pioneers Étienne-Jules Marey and Georges Demenÿ. Actually, their interest in the human mechanics and its...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Lumière de l'invisible
Jérôme Surroca, Jean-François Santoni | France | 1995 | 52 mn

The end of the 19th century was a cornucopia of new forms of images : on the heels of photography and cinematography, radiography arrived - first proof of the existence of X-Rays. Mysterious rays which revealed the invisible - no wonder the epoch...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Mille Mètres sous la jungle
Luc-Henri Fage | France | 1995 | 52 mn

The Island of New Brittany is doubtless one of the islands the most difficult of access in Papuan New Guinea. An expedition led by French scientists sets out to discover its substratum of porous calcareous rock. An underground journey leads them...

Maurice et Katia Krafft au rythme de la terre
Maryse Bergonzat | France | 1995 | 90 mn

The film is about the life of the Krafft couple, from Maurice's first clim on stromboli at the age of seven to their tragic death in 1991 on Mount Unzen in Japan. The couple were scholars, film-makers, researchers and photographers who made...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Esprit des mathématiques
François Tisseyre, Claire Weingarten | France | 1995 | 22 mn

La Démonstration À partir de l'exemple du théorème de Pythagore, quatre mathématiciens, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Marie-Françoise Roy, Adrien Douady, Max Karoubi, présentent la démonstration, acte central de la démarche mathématique. La...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Pasteur, l'héritage menacé
Eusebio Serrano | France | 1995 | 60 mn

In 50 years, the second half of the last century, Pasteur’s discoveries revolutionised chemistry, agriculture, industry, medicine, surgery and hygiene. They also changed the fate of humanity. The eclecticism of Pasteur’s researches, the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Kourou, l'aventure spatiale européenne
Frédéric Courant, Jamy Gourmaud, Franck Chaudemanche | France | 1995 | 52 mn

From the end of the second world war to the preparation of the future launching of Ariane 5, this engrossing story of the European space adventure as seen through the different economic, political and scientific challenges. It is also the human...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Gaz mortel du lac Nyos
Antoine de Maximy | France | 1995 | 52 mn

On the 21st August 1986, the whole world was shaken by a natural catastrophe which happened in Cameroon. Lake Nyos in the crater of a volcano had released a huge cloud of carbonic gas. Within a few hours, about 1,800 people had been...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Henri Cartan, une vie de mathématicien
Isabelle Broué | France | 1995 | 52 mn

Interviews made by Jean-Pierre Serre and Isabelle Broué of the mathematician Henri Cartan and his wife Nicole, daughter of the physician Pierre Weiss. Born in 1904, Henri Cartan has played a main part in the renewal and widespread influence of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Trou d'ozone
Sophie Godin-Beekman, Milka Assaf, Sophie Bachelier, Luc Federmeyer | France | 1995 | 26 mn

The fine layer of ozone which surrounds the earth is essential to life. For the last ten years controversy rages about the hole in this protective layer. This film shows the work of the scientists who observe our atmosphere. Sent by the European...

804 films