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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

222 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À Abidjan, on dit quoi même ?
Pascal Rémy, Joseph Andjou | France | 1998 | 23 mn

Three times a year, the African communities in Paris and elsewhere impatiently await the arrival of the latest cassette of the Abidjan puppet shows. These cassettes which are exclusively distributed through African videoclubs, are for many people...

À chacun sa beauté !
Jan Tenhaven | Allemagne | 2014 | 50 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment A comme arithmétique
Pierre Kast, Raymond Queneau | France | 1951 | 7 mn

A like arithmetic A like absurdity? Pierre Kast and Raymond Queneau joined them to realize in the spirit of a pictorial encyclopaedia, that funny movie. We can see Raymond Queneau doing a demonstration in an absurd way of simple operations.

A Joking Relationship
John K. Marshall | États-Unis | 1962 | 13 mn

A Knife in Dino Baggio's Head
Marek Piwowski | Pologne | 1999 | 39 mn

A Movie For You
Iman Behrouzi | Iran, Allemagne | 2015 | 25 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Algerian TV Show
Malek Bensmaïl | France | 1996 | 13 mn

Television and humour have an important place on Algerian people's every day life. As a tale the author recounts the little history of this Algerian television controlled by the power and shows through humor and derision, that the Algerian people...

American Capitalism, a Self-Portrait
Thilbault Le Texier | France | 2013 | 10 mn

Atsushi Wada | Japon, Royaume-Uni | 2013 | 3 mn

L'Antichambre du clown
Sarah Benillouche | France | 2017 | 32 mn

J'étais venue pour les filmer, et puis un jour, j'ai mis le nez. Ne dit-on pas qu'"être clown, c'est avoir la curiosité des anges?"

222 films