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Continents-Zones géogr. > Amérique > Amérique du Nord > Canada

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

181 films
Pierre Perrault | Canada | 1994 | 52 mn

To film this metaphor of how a country is built, the filmmaker patiently waited some miles from the North Pole, on Ellesmere island, to film the inevitable battle between two muskoxen in quest of the same territory.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Vis-à-vis : Jack et Luis
Patrice Barrat, Kim Spencer | France | 1993 | 52 mn

At last, saving the planet is now a concern for everyone as though "Mother Eart", beloved by Indians, had become universal. "The Earth, the Indians and us" brings two Native Americans face to face. One, Jacques Kurtness, is a "Montagnais" Indian...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Paroles d'humanité
Pierre Lobstein | France | 1993 | 13 mn

A series composed of seven 13 minute segments of "humanity's words" - the testimonies of wise men and artists from seven American Indian tribes via the electronic image : Navajo (Arizona), Yuchi (Oklahoma), Mohawk (Québec), Ponca (Oklahoma),...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Mémoires d'Amériques
Muriel Meyer | France | 1993 | 26 mn

"Memories of the Americas" shows the today life of the Stoney Indian people in their reservation in Canada/Alberta. Interviews of the leaders, medical and education facilities, pow-wow, sweat-lodge... This documentary shows the Great Siouxan...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Visions of Carmanah
Ian Herring | Canada | 1993 | 29 mn

Over one hundred of some of Canada's most renowned artists immersed themselves in the timeless world of an old-growth forest. The result is captured on a stunning half-hour film documentary. We watch as they wander awestruck among the trees, some...

L'Oumigmag ou l'Objectif documentaire
Pierre Perrault | Canada | 1993 | 28 mn

English summary not available.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Kanehsatake 270 ans de résistance
Alanis Obomsawin | Canada | 1993 | 120 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Atlantide - Athabasca
Claude Cailloux | France | 1992 | 52 mn

On this overcrowded planet, there are still a few people who live in lonely places, in complete harmony with their natural environment. In Rumania there is Ioanu Monteanu who protects the birds of the Danube Delta ; in Canada there is Lou Carbyn,...

François Bernard, Juliette Cahen, Ariane Doublet, Manuela Frésil, Pascal Goblot | France | 1992 | 63 mn

English summary not available.

Amours interdites : au-delà des préjugés, vies et paroles de lesbiennes
Lynne Fernie, Aerlyn Weissman | Canada | 1992 | 85 mn

181 films