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Sciences humaines > Géographie > Île

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

1097 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Comment nous fabriquons le sel
Kumain Nunguya | France | 1992 | 26 mn

English summary not available.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Alba Mossa
Yves de Peretti | France | 1992 | 48 mn

In Corsica, the Casa Musicale in Pigna assembles traditional Corsican poets who have always practised the art of "Chiama and Rispondi", musicians who are rediscovering traditional musical instruments and jazz interpreters who attempt to improvise...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment D'eau et de sel, les marais salants de Noirmoutier
Laurent Billard | France | 1992 | 30 mn

English summary not available.

Cécile Patingre | France | 1992 | 35 mn

Havana, May 1st, 1992, Cuba is passing through one of the most critical moments of its history. May First is a traditional indicator of the situation and gives an idea of the combativeness or weariness of a people confronted to the thousands of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Mariage de Nicolas
Gisèle Rapp-Meichler, Luc Meichler | France | 1992 | 45 mn

The wedding in Crete, in Plaka where he has set up house, of the Sundgauvian writer René-Nicolas Ehni, a colourful personality. A remarkables festive period of ten days which is all the same time the wedding of a defector from one culture to...

Dans ses bras
Naomi Kawase | Japon | 1992 | 40 mn

Naomi Kawase rassemble les morceaux d’une enfance brisée. Un faisceau d’émotions pour donner du sens à la quête du père. Née le 30 mai 1969, Naomi Kawase a 23 ans lorsqu’elle décide de mettre de l’ordre dans ses souvenirs...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment The Good Wife of Tokyo
Claire Hunt, Kim Longinotto | Royaume-Uni | 1992 | 52 mn

Kazuko Hohki returns to Japan with her rockband after an absence of 15 years. To please her mother, she agrees to get marreid according to the rituals of the "House of Development", a religion of which her mother is prietess. Since while her...

Madagasikara, l'île-femme
Didier Mauro, Danièle Sené, Thuy Tiên Ho | France | 1992 | 52 mn

English summary not available.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Île rouge
Jean-Michel Carré, François Chouquet, Claude Randraimihaingo | France | 1992 | 52 mn

The Hira Gazy in Madagascar is the most popular show. It takes place every Sunday, lasting the entire day for a thrilling audience in the rural areas of Antananarivo. It is a mixture of music, songs, dances, and oratorical contests and at the same...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Cap vert, nègres des nuages
Christophe Naigeon | France | 1992 | 26 mn

English summary not available.

1097 films