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Continents-Zones géogr. > Amérique > Amérique du Sud > Cuba

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

235 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une brèche dans le blocus
Lucienne Lanaz | Suisse | 1997 | 55 mn

The film shows how a specific help in the domain of Cuban public health may be perceived by people working in this field ; moreover, it shows what can be done with this kind of support, so as to preserve the social progress which they have gained...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Crocodile vert
Giorgio Di Nella | France | 1997 | 54 mn

The author and producer, Pierre Chaussat, lived and worked in Cuba from 1961 to 1964, in the euphoria of the beginnings of the revolution. Thirty years later, he comes back. Besides the warmth of being reunited with Cuban artists and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Enfin la mer
Vincent Martorana | France | 1997 | 56 mn

This is the story of two men who make a journey to Cuba. On an island where the lack of transport is the sign of a generalised lack, their rented car is a glaring luxury. It is also a marvellous way to meet people. By deciding to film the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Cuba : entre chien et louve
Michèle Larue, Noël Burch | France | 1997 | 52 mn

In a Carribean island with a twofold legacy of Spanish and African machismo, how have 38 years of socialism inflected the sociology of gender relations ? What are the consequences today of the spectacular liberation of the women accomplished by...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Alejo Carpentier (1904-1980)
Emilio Pacull | France | 1997 | 49 mn

An incessant journey between classic European culture inherited from his parents, and his vital, physical need to belong to the American continent, to its history and its destiny, the work of Alejo Carpentier is steeped in history and metaphysics,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Femmes fidèles
Bruno et Judith Bizot | France | 1996 | 52 mn

There are those who believe the revolution has made their lives and those for whom the aging Castro regime weighs heavily. We discover to what these women show fidelity. Through streets and country side, theater, sports and dance, we see Cuba,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Cuba, des amis
Ana Laura Bode | France | 1996 | 45 mn

Portrait of a moment in the life of a group of young Cuban freinds. Their love of life and their desire to stay in Cuba despite the difficulties of everyday life.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Volutes havanaises
Julie Dupré, Boris Razon, Rafael Flichman | France | 1996 | 12 mn

Here we find the images and sounds of Havana. A street, another street, a market stall, faint sounds of salsa... In counterpoint, the voice of a young Cuban living in Paris weaves a journey of laughter and nostalgic questioning.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Soy Cubano
Pierre Caule | France | 1996 | 52 mn

En 1992, à Barcelone, les Cubains ont gagné 31 médailles. En 1996, à Atlanta, Fidel Castro souhaite encore améliorer les résultats de ses sportifs. Ce documentaire plonge dans les coulisses de l’équipe olympique cubaine, qui pourrait bien...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Gens du havane
Bernard Mangiante | France, Allemagne, Cuba | 1995 | 54 mn

"When Henri Vart, a producer in love with Cuba and its cigars, suggested that I make a film about havanas, the first things I thought about were the images, the imaginary, the cigar as a mythic object. But when I arrived in Cuba, I quickly forgot...

235 films