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Art > Événement culturel > Spectacle

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

964 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Marseillaises
Franck Jaén | France | 1998 | 52 mn

The association "Femmes Afrique Méditerranée" groups together young Marseille women who have come from different cultural backgrounds. They have chosen the creation of clothing to rediscover together their roots and better to talk about...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Mémoire émue
Virginie Hoffmann | France | 1998 | 24 mn

To approach Odile Azagury's dance is touching an arbitrary aspect of contemporary dance : emotion. Beyond a minimalist technical, beyond movement, the gesture is becoming impregnated with history. He is so the memory, the "touched...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Eth renom
Dominique Gautier | France | 1998 | 46 mn

Heir of the medieval mystery plays, the pastorale is the representation of the actions of a hero. This great didactic theatre form from Gascony, surprising by its ritualistic aspect, takes on an exceptional nature in the life of a village. Only...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Lissabon/Wuppertal/Lisboa : Pina Bausch
Fernando Lopes | Portugal | 1998 | 35 mn

Dans le cadre du Festival dos 100 Dias (Expo 98), Pina Bausch et le Tanztheater Wuppertal ont été invités à créer, sous l'inspiration de la ville de Lisbonne, un spectacle. Le film retrace leur résidence à Lisbonne, pendant trois semaines...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment So Schnell à l'Opéra
Marie-Hélène Rebois | France | 1998 | 29 mn

The arrival of "So Schnell" at the Paris Opera was a double challenge : first, because it is a contemporary piece and there are not many of them that enter the temple of classical dance ; secondly, because the choreographer died in 1992 and so it...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Planète Decouflé
François Roussillon | France, Royaume-Uni | 1998 | 70 mn

We jump into this "Planète Decouflé" like into a picture of Mary Poppins. Behind the unbridled picture of an incredibly popular artiste, our choreographer continues to keep the despair of the world at a distance by cobbling poetic prototypes...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Danse des dieux
Bernard Guerrini | France | 1998 | 26 mn

The tiny Indian state of Kerala is the birthplace of a unique dance originating from an ancestral art of war. Called kathakali, it is a highly stylised dance-drama developed by the Nair warriors from their mastery of kalaripayat, the oldest...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Salsa du "Bourgeois"
François Roussillon | France | 1998 | 28 mn

Invited by the Cuban authorities to come and work for eight months with Cuban actors, dancers and musicians, Jérôme Savary produces a "Bourgeois gentilhomme" by Molière which is Spanish-speaking, musical and high in colour. Pictures of Cuban...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Roméo et Juliette
François Roussillon | France | 1998 | 52 mn

The "Romeo and Juliet" choreography by Rudolph Nureyev was created in 1977 in London. It led to a true scandal. Indeed, the Shakespeare heroes never were shown with such a violent and sexual atmosphere, so far from the previous version. This film...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Démisséni ka Lônia
Laure Barrot | France | 1998 | 27 mn

Film relating the workshop activities (theater, dance, joggling, plastic creation) and the creation process of an entertainment with a team of 13-year-old so called "street children" from the city of Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. A team of...

964 films