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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

3395 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Vague à l'âme
Mireille Jacquesson | France | 1994 | 40 mn

In a suburb of a town, a young man is getting bored. He is looking by dreams for something that would happen and would change everything.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Avoir vingt ans dans les petites villes
Fabrice Cazeneuve | France | 1994 | 56 mn

Writer François Bon meets again with the people who took part in two writing workshops he directed in the towns of Sète and Lodève. Six intimate portraits of young outcasts, to the rhythm of the texts of these "accomplices in writing". Writer...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Banlieues Nord-Sud
Dominique Bidaubayle | France | 1994 | 52 mn

A focus on the lives of working-class kids in the rough urban suburbs of Trappes, a town near Paris, and Marseille in the south. This fresh and different close-up view of those who live in areas of notorious social unrest shows how some not only...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Arama so. Les mots de la sécheresse
Amy Hardie, Nadine Wanono | France | 1994 | 35 mn

During the milet's harvest and the onion's cultivation three young peasants speak about their life in the Dogon country whereas the drought is becoming worst each year. The old people look at this new generation born during this drought as a "no...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Vizir et Vizirette
Solveig Anspach | France | 1994 | 12 mn

Two young girls in a hotel room talk about their day while reading photo-novels and telling one another jokes.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Petites Indes
George Renuka | France | 1994 | 47 mn

Since the fifties, thousands of people from the Indian sub-continent have settled in England. In the beginning they came for economic reasons, thinking they would return home as soon as they had earnde enough. Finally they brought their families...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Piezz''e core
Nico Di Biase | France | 1994 | 45 mn

"Piez' 'e core" is the human chronicle of some of the apprentice leaders of the Camorra : these children and adolescents are those that the press in the last few years has named "Baby killers". In the last ten years, the law has arrested most of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Anges et Démons de la cité
Frédéric Laffont | France | 1994 | 91 mn

This is better than cinema - funny and serious. Once upon a time there was the youth of the Mare rouge housing estate. An unbelievable setting, with its cast of yobs and robber barons unlike any you've met before. A true story you won't believe is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Angleterre underground : les nouveaux barbares
Edward Porembny | France, Royaume-Uni | 1994 | 52 mn

The world is changing and society along with it. A real psycho sociological revolution is taking place on our doorstep in the appearance of a "new race of outcasts" ; they are our modern barbarians right out of the cast of the movie "Mad Max"....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Beyrouth, au passage des canons
Christophe Rigaud | France | 1994 | 12 mn

"Beirut, chain of dreams to feel the absolute loneliness". Loneliness, because the break-down of fights in the year of 1991, let a big gap for the libanese people. Life is less exciting, but life has to continue in this country which try...

3395 films