Nurith Aviv
2010 - 70 min - XDCAM - Couleur - France, Israël

The film "Translating", coming after "From Language to Language" and" Sacred Language, Spoken Language", is the last part of a trilogy.
"Translating"is a Babel-film in which translators from different countries, expressing themselves in their own languages, talk about their experience as conveyors of written Hebrew literature from over the centuries: Midrash, medieval Hebrew poetry, modern and contemporary literature.  The translators talk passionately about their encounters with a language that sometimes leads them to transgress the rules of their own language.
Edouard Glissant says, "Every translation today becomes part of a network of all possible translations, from any language into any other language."

Author-Director : Nurith Aviv
Photography : Nurith Aviv, Itay Marom, Sarah Blum
Sound : Nicolas Joly, Michael Goorevich
Editing : Effi Weiss
Original Music : Werner Hasler
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Co-producer : Laïla Films
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : KTO TV
Contribution : Procirep, Fondation Rothschild, Centre du cinéma israélien, Angoa-Agicoa, CNC


Distributor : Les Films d'ici
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Éditions Montparnasse
VOD : Éditions Montparnasse
Circulation-Consultation : BPI (Bibliothèque publique d'information)
Disponible au Club du doc


2011 - Filmer à tout prix, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Sélection Internationale
2011 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques