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Zone dépressionnaire
Jean-Yves Legrand
2003 - 47 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

I set off on a little sailing boat for a fortnight’s trip at sea. I want to be alone with my boat, the sea, the sky, to find harmony. The rhythm of the open sea gradually takes over. Yet, I have difficulty entering fully into this trip, truly leaving, letting go. I realise that I have brought with me some definite problems and I will have no other choice than to give them an airing.
Exposing oneself, with all the immodesty that that involves, but also the struggle with oneself, the taking of risks. Going beyond one’s own control, towards a sort of loss of self-control, and of the camera which stares at me, waiting. And then there is this depression, over Spain ...

Author-Director : Jean-Yves Legrand
Author : Laurence Bazin
Delegate Producer : Pirouette films
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV 10 Angers
Contribution : Région Pays de la Loire, CNC


Distributor : Pirouette films
Disponible au Club du doc


2004 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques