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Wrong Elements
Jonathan Littell
2016 - 133 min - HD - Couleur - Allemagne, Belgique, France

In 1989 in Uganda Joseph Kony formed a new rebel movement against the government, the LRA. His army developed over the years through the abduction of adolescents. Geofrey, Nighty and Mike, a group of buddies, as well as Lapisa were among the young people abducted at the age of twelve or thirteen.
Today they are trying to put themselves together, to recover a normal life and return to the places that marked their stolen childhood. At the same time victims and torturers, witnesses and actors of atrocities that were beyond them, they are still the “wrong elements” that society has trouble accepting.

Author-Director : Jonathan Littell
Photography : Joachim Philippe
Sound : Yolande Decarsin
Editing : Marie-Hélène Dozo
Delegate Producer : Veilleur de Nuit
Co-producer : Zero One Film GMBH
Co-producer : Wrong Men
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus
Broadcasting Co-producer : VOO (TV-NET-TEL), Bayerischer Rundfunk, ARTE France, RTBF Bruxelles, Be TV


Distributor : Le Pacte