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Vivre à Sarajevo
Patrice Barrat, Ramdane Issaad, Ademir Kenovic, Corinne Godeau
1993 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

What can one do against the feeling of having already seen and heard everything about Sarajevo and ex-Yougoslavia ? But the mere simplicity of its location and time-scale, "Sarajevo Life" aims to close the gap.
The chosen setting is a street. A street in the old quarter of Sarajevo, Bascarsija, where families of all nationalities continue to live together. The documentary's time-scale is the ever-so-real one of the days under siege passing by. By showing inhabitants of all ages at random, in their apartment buildings, their jobs, the street, we see people strangely similar to ordinary Europeans, to ourselves.
By depicting the way in which they seek to live in spite of the calamitous conditions, by underlining the will to survive rather than the gruesome pictures, by coming back to the same characters, the capacity to identify with them increases.

Author-Director : Corinne Godeau, Patrice Barrat, Ramdane Issaad, Ademir Kenovic
Delegate Producer : Point du Jour
Broadcasting Co-producer : Planète
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Zed distribution
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