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Marc Khanne
2003 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Months after the "Prestige shipwreck", a team of 30 volunteers left Toulouse to clean up the coast of Camariñas in Galicia.
All day long, the camera followed their painstakingly patient and seemingly derisory gestures, picking up on the varying intensity of each day, revealing how a growing fraternity amongst them came to constitute a form of resistance against such a disaster. Our civilisation devastates the planet on a big scale that some attempt to repair the damages with a spatula.
I seek to share the striking contrast by exploring the issues of a space reduced to a beach of black stones.

Author-Director : Marc Khanne
Delegate Producer : Lapilli films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Télé Toulouse


Distributor : Lapilli films
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