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Une caravane dans mon cartable
Michel Garnier
2000 - 52 min - Betacam & DV Cam - Couleur - France

Nicole, Isabelle and Mr Vrain, schoolteachers, drive their scholl-truck through the country. They are in search of new camps set up by gipsy families in order to propose school attendance to their children and maybe meet again some of their pupils who went away without leaving their address.
While observing faces sometimes serious, sometimes lit up with large smiles, the camera is the witness of the difficulties of insertion of the gipsy children in the school frame which often appears strict compared to their unconventional life.

Author-Director : Michel Garnier
Delegate Producer : Les Productions de la Lanterne
Broadcasting Co-producer : Télessonne
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Les Productions de la Lanterne
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