Témoins pour la paix
Abraham Ségal
2003 - 47 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

The documentary is the chronicle of a journey, a film of encounters and testimonies. At the end of January 2003, a group of French Jews visited Israel and the Palestinian territories in response to the appeal of Gush Shalom, the Peace Block.
The aim of their journey was to watch, listen and testify in favour of a peaceful dialogue. Also to enable Jewish voices calling for peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike, and opposing the policy of Sharon’s government, to be heard in France.
They observed on the spot the damage caused by occupation, suicide bombings and arpatheid. We filmed the group in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Gaza and Tel Aviv, capturing the most stirring moment of their mission.

Author-Director : Abraham Ségal
Delegate Producer : Films en quête
Co-producer : Agat films


Distributor : Momento !
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