Rotten Looking Kid
A Corsican Punk Story
Serge Bonavita
2020 - 52 min - Video Full HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

On 24 May 1990, Eric Bonavita, 33, died of a heroin overdose in Paris. Living at 2000 on time, this punk-rock musician had shaken up Corsica in the 80s. No wonder his friends nicknamed him "Speedo".
An inspired agitator, Eric/Speedo was also my big brother. Together, in Ajaccio, the birth place of Napoleon and with a whole generation of islanders, we took the punk wave in the face and that determined the course of our lives. To find my brother, to revive the island rock scene, to share a new, essential and founding experience, that is the objective of this film.
This story is not just about a handful of Corsicans… It is that of millions of provincials, islanders, rural people scattered throughout the world for whom everything changed on the day when, on their cheap radio stations, they heard the first chords of "God save the queen" of the Sex Pistols or of "White Riot" of the Clash…

Author-Director : Serge Bonavita
Photography : Marc-André Batigne
Sound : Graciela Barrault
Editing : Anastasia Mordin
Original Music : Serge Bonavita, Dominique Lameta, Erick Bonavita
Delegate Producer : Cined Productions
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa, Sacem, Collectivité territoriale de Corse


Distributor : Cined Productions