Pour un panier de truffes
Sylvestre Meinzer
2011 - 52 min - HD - Couleur - France

The Périgord - a region in the South West of France developed in the 19th and 20th centuries thanks to trade in the „black diamond. But this fragile tuber and rustic product is also adapting to modern civilisation. Its market is becoming globalised, its origins are diversifying and the old truffle cultivators are transforming themselves into tableaux vivants in the interests of international commerce. But who says that the truffle must be eaten, when its fragrance alone is enough to make the world dream ?

Author-Director : Sylvestre Meinzer
Photography : Isabelle Razavet
Sound : Olivier Schwob
Editing : Marc Daquin
Delegate Producer : Altomédia
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa


Distributor : Altomédia
DVD Editing : Altomédia
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2012 - Festival Territoires en Images, Paris (France) : Sélection