Pola à 27 ans
Natacha Samuel
2001 - 55 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

Pola was a young jewish woman from Warsaw. Between 1944 and 1945 - she was 27 years old then - she lost her grandparents, her father, her mother, her four brothers, her husband and her husband's entire family in Auschwitz. Auschwitz where she herself went through hell for a whole year. At the liberation of the camp, she had no teeth, no hair, her body was all black and covered with fleas. But she had survived - and she was the only one. Her whole world had gone up in smoke. Pola is my grandmother. I turned 27 this year myself and in me grew this desire to get to understand Pola's recollection of the time when she was 27. We decided to set out together on the tracks of her souvenirs and go to that country which has always seemed so much further than China to me.

Author-Director : Natacha Samuel
Photography : Natacha Samuel
Sound : Natacha Samuel
Editing : Morgane Spacagna, Marie-Jo Audiard, Pauline Gaillard
Delegate Producer : Bizibi
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : TV 10 Angers
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Bizibi
Disponible au Club du doc


2002 - EntreVues - Festival du film de Belfort, Belfort (France) : Sélection