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Nouveau Centenaire - Synthèse
Michael Hoare
2015 - 99 min - DV - Couleur - France

Since the early 1970s, some 200 migrants, Soninkés from the Yelimane region in Mali, have been fighting to be rehoused in living quarters that would allow them to maintain their collective lifestyle, built on mutual solidarity. For decades they faced the resistance of local and national authorities who were interested neither in the solidarity nor the collective nature of their society.
Finally, at the end of 2015, they moved into quarters adapted to their demands, overcoming in part the assimilationist ambitions of the French republican state. The film recounts the episodes of this long struggle.

Author-Director : Michael Hoare
Photography : Michael Hoare
Sound : Billy Ventura
Editing : Véronique Holley
Original Music : Mamady Sira
Delegate Producer : Label vidéo
Co-producer : Avenir vivable
Broadcasting Co-producer : TVM Est Parisien
Contribution : Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa, ACSE (Agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l'égalité des chances), CNC. COSIP


Distributor : Label vidéo
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