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The French Hymn "La Marseillaise", I love You Nor Do I
Pascal Signolet
2016 - 52 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

The French hymn is the most known and most sung to the World as the symbol of emancipation of the peoples.
It is also the only one to bear the name of a city. Its fascinating and tempestuous history is nevertheless widely underestimated. Few people, even in France, really know the story of this famous written revolutionary ode.

Author-Director : Pascal Signolet
Photography : Patrick Meheut, Pascal Signolet
Sound : Loïc Chautemps
Editing : Katia Manceau
Delegate Producer : Morgane production
Co-producer : Bleu Iroise
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Régions
Contribution : Région Bretagne, CNC. COSIP, Sacem


Distributor : Morgane production