Little America
Marc Weymuller
2019 - 110 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - France

On the island of Santa-Maria, in the Azores, we witness the end of a particular world. Once internationally famous for its airport, there is now only a residential neighbourhood, gradually falling into ruins. It used to be called Little America. The perfect metaphor for the American dream, a temporary Eldorado.
The disappearance of the airport has left a void. Now, the inhabitants of Santa-Maria seem lost in their own existence. They constantly question the past. Confronted with the eternal youth of the island's landscape, the inhabitants now go on a personal, retrospective quest.

Author-Director : Marc Weymuller
Photography : Xavier Arpino, Simon Gillet, Marc Weymuller
Sound : Marc Weymuller
Editing : Marc Weymuller
Original Music : Bruno Fleutelot, Elise Humbert, Philippe Saucourt
Delegate Producer : Le Tempestaire
Co-producer : L' Image d'après
Contribution : CNC. Aide à l'écriture, Scam, Sacem, Région autonome des Açores


Distributor : Le Tempestaire