La Parole ou la Mort
Enquête sur le fondamentalisme
Abraham Ségal
2009 - 97 min - HDCam 16/9 - Couleur - France

A film about the dangers of fundamentalism and the means to fight it. An inquiry into the perilous relations between politics and religion, religions and sciences. How can the same words from the same holy books of the Bible and the Koran be used to incite hatred, murder and sacrifice and at the same time to enlighten the paths of wisdom and life?
At the dawn of the 21th century, we are struck by the force of the explosive cocktail of Biblical or Koranic verses, political messages and murderous actions that enflame war “in the name of God". But, like music, words can also vitalize, enlighten the soul, create bonds beyond borders.
This documentary shows us the way between the walls and the bridges.

Author-Director : Abraham Ségal
Photography : Diane Baratier
Sound : Laurent Lafran
Editing : Dominique Barbier
Delegate Producer : Artline films, Films en quête
Co-producer : Films en quête
Contribution : Région Île-de-France, Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve


Distributor : Films en quête
Disponible au Club du doc


2010 - FIPA (Festival international de programmes audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : selection non-competitive