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La Face cachée de la Terre
La Moitié de l'Humanité vit avec moins de 2 dollars par jour Série-Collection : La Face cachée de la Terre

José Maldavsky, Alberto Marquardt, José Reynes, Gonzalo Arijòn, Laurence Jourdan, Jean-Christophe Klotz, Baudouin Koenig
2001 - 3 min - Beta numérique & DV Cam - Couleur - France

This half of mankind is said to live in powerlessness, vulnerability, fear, and unable to make itself heard. (Report on Development in the World 2000-2001- World Bank). Faced with this "inability to make themselves heard", and as concerned film-makers, we decided to act with the means and abilities that are ours.
This is a series of short films which go in search of those who make up this "other half", those who live on this "other planet". By sharing a moment of their daily life, watching them live, listening to them, this at least incites us to think.
That is the spirit in which we begin the series "La Face cachée de la Terre", with the intention of sharing it, as fast as possible, with the greatest number of film-makers, producers, distributors determined to break this collusive silence.


Distributor : Alterdoc
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