The Reel 11004
Mirabelle Fréville
2020 - 19 min - Couleur - France

In 1946, eight months after the atomic bombings, an American army film team made a feature documentary in Japan.
Several reels are shot in Hiroshima and Nagasaki including the "11004".

Author-Director : Mirabelle Fréville
Photography : O. A. Bohm, R. V. Wizbowski, M. Hoover, Harry Mimura
Sound : Margarida Guia
Editing : Denis Le Paven
Original Music : Margarida Guia
Delegate Producer : Les 48° Rugissants productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Via Vosges TV
Contribution : CNC, Scam, Région Bretagne, Rennes Métropole
Crowdfunding : Proarti


Distributor : Les 48° Rugissants productions