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L'Interprète des bébés
Alain Labouze
1996 - 14 min - Betacam - Couleur - France

A portrait of Hubert Montagner, a researcher at INSERM, whose research involves the study of the development and the behaviour of children. He talks about the different experiments that he is carrying out both in crèches and in hospital.
He observes young children at the Croquelune crèche in Alès during their free activities. They use equipment which is adapted for communication, which allows them to discover space : "in front", "behind", "through".
He films 5-month-old babies (placed in experimental seats and equipped with electrodes) in order to study their visual exchanges and their movements in relation to their cardiac rhythms and their breathing.
At Sainte-Marguerite hospital in Marseille, he works in close cooperation with pediatricians and pedopsychiatrists on clinical studies. The video is an essential tool for comparing their results.

Author-Director : Alain Labouze
Author : Robert Clarke
Delegate Producer : Gédéon Programmes
Co-producer : CNRS audiovisuel, CNDP (Centre national de documentation pédagogique)
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Cinquième


Distributor : CNRS Images