Maison du documentaire Ice People
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Ice People
Anne Aghion
2007 - 77 min - HDCam - Couleur - France, États-Unis

Nobody gets to Antarctica by accident. For the few ambitious scientific teams who brave this awesomely beautiful, silent and unwelcoming landscape, it feels like another planet. Searching for tiny signs of life across thousands of square miles, their discoveries in this still little-understood place yield critical secrets about the earth’s past and future, and prompt questions about our place in the world.
"Ice People" captures this feeling of vastness and claustrophobia, of excitement and waiting, and of a life still set to nature’s rhythm.

Author-Director : Anne Aghion
Delegate Producer : Dry Valleys Productions
Co-producer : ITVS (Independent Television Service)
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Sundance Channel
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : SBS Australia, RTBF Bruxelles
Contribution : Commission européenne, CNC, Sacem, Département de l'Ardèche, Région Rhône-Alpes


Distributor : French Cuisine Prod
VOD : Arte VOD
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