Donner / Recevoir
Bernard Dal Molin, Michèle Dal Molin
2013 - 73 min - Non spécifié - Couleur - France

It is not always easy to give, it is always difficult to get. This film provides the life stories of four families who were confronted with organ donation or transplantation issues. This is the thought process leading to the decision that is in the center of each story and not the medical dimension.
With humility and great generosity, the characters reveal to us the suffering, feelings, happiness that have surrounded these exceptional moments.

Author-Director : Bernard Dal Molin, Michèle Dal Molin
Photography : Bernard Dal Molin, Michèle Dal Molin
Sound : Bernard Dal Molin, Michèle Dal Molin
Editing : Grégory Dal Molin, Bernard Dal Molin
Original Music : Serge Vella
Delegate Producer : Advita productions


Distributor : Destiny distribution
DVD Editing : Destiny distribution
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