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Discours d'eau (en dix courts)
Saël Gueydan-Lacroix, Frédéric Julien
2007 - 35 min - Mini DV - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Canada

The 4th World Water Forum took place in Mexico City in March 2006, and activists from around the world joined with local farmers and indigenous peoples to protest national and international water policies. Among them were women from a native community near the capital, objecting to a project that had redirected their water supply towards the 20 million people in the megalopolis.
The story of their fight for water makes the rounds of all the issues tied to a vital resource, many of which were discussed at the Forum.
Ten episodes build to a crescendo, denouncing the greed of some and expressing the misery of others. A local story with echoes around the world.


Distributor : Les Productions l'Envers