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D'un amour à l'autre
Jean-Xavier de Lestrade
1999 - 91 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

About one thousand French children today live removed to a foreign country by one of their parents.
For about the last ten years there has been an increase in the number of kidnappings of children born of mixed marriages (parents of different nationalities).
The application of international law is so imperfect, the will of States sometimes so lacking that the parent who feels the injured party in the divorce, does not hesitate to kidnap his child.
In the 1980s, Algeria and the countries of North Africa stood out because of the great number of kidnapppings, but since the early 1990s many cases have involved European countries. It is hard to imagine but it is Germany which today holds the record for the number of kidnappings with thirty new cases a year involving France alone.
This film is first of all the story of destinies caught in the storm of deep-seated passions ; it is a drama of broken families, children torn between two parents, two countries, two loves.

Author-Director : Jean-Xavier de Lestrade
Author : Nils Tavernier
Delegate Producer : Little Bear
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Little Bear