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Chiapas, le coeur et l'effroi Série-Collection : Seuls les papillons franchissent les barbelés

Variety Moszynski
2003 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

In Mexico today, eight years after the signing of the Nafta free-trade agreements and their armed uprising, the people of the Chiapas live at odds with the Mexican State, which has translated into a latent conflict, called "the low-intensity war". This war, characterised by displaced populations, by the disappearance of community figures and the destruction of ritual objects, has created suffering fevers, physical pain. A series of symptoms the Indians call "Susto". When a man dreams, his spirit leaves his body. In some cases, this fracture of the oneness of the body and the spirit causes physical disorders, affliction and even death.

Author-Director : Variety Moszynski
Delegate Producer : Little Bear
Co-producer : Palindromes
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : France 5
Contribution : France Libertés (Fondation Danielle Mitterrand), CNC


Distributor : Little Bear