Big Bang, mes ancêtres et moi
Emmanuel Leconte, Franck Guérin
2009 - 51 min - Couleur - France

The scientific explanation of our surroundings, of our origins is probably one of the main achievements of our times. We can trace back our history up until the very first nanoseconds of the Big Bang! It is the same adventure that has started with the expansion of the universe and gave us birth: we descend from apes and bacteria but also from comets and galaxies.
The movie is articulated around the three enigmas of origins. Each moment of this story will be told by a scientific: Pascal Picq, Hubert Reeves, Jim Peebles... We will investigate in scientific sites related to each these enigmas : we will go up to the highest observatory in Europe; we will search the home of our older European ancestor. We will give faithful account of the most recent discoveries with regards to the origins of the world but also talk about the mysteries still unresolved.

Author-Director : Emmanuel Leconte, Franck Guérin
Delegate Producer : Doc en stock
Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : Doc en stock
VOD : Arte VOD
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