Angel and Jeanne
Adrien Lecouturier
2014 - 45 min - HD - Couleur - France

In the 13th district of Paris, Angel and Jeanne live as a couple on the 27th floor of a tower.This is the following year after the end of high school, without studies or work, a sabbatical year to live their first love.

Author-Director : Adrien Lecouturier
Photography : Adrien Lecouturier
Sound : Clément Maleo, Félix Blume, Florian Namias, Thomas Berliner
Editing : Julie Borvon
Original Music : Jean-François Monot
Delegate Producer : Barney Production


Distributor : Barney Production
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2015 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Sélection Expériences du Regard