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America and the Holocaust
Martin Ostrow
1994 - 90 min - Couleur - États-Unis

"America and the Holocaust" paints a troubling picture of the United States during a period beset by anti-Semitism and a government that not only delayed action but suppressed information and blocked efforts that could have resulted in the rescue of thousands of people. An examination of these factors is framed by the moving story of Kurt Klein, a German Jew who immigrated to America and struggled against a wall of bureaucracy to free his parents from Europe.

Author-Director : Martin Ostrow
Editing : Stephanie Munroe
Original Music : Sheldon Mirowitz
Delegate Producer : Fine Cut Productions


Distributor : WGBH Educational Foundation
DVD Editing : PBS International


1996 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques