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Albert Cohen par Albert Cohen Série-Collection : Un siècle d'écrivains

William Karel, Glenio Bonder
1995 - 45 min - Betacam SP - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

A westernised man from the East, a Mediterranean Jew impregnated with French culture and scepticism, Albert Cohen has been a universal rather than only a cosmopolite writer, one who knows how to contact everyman.
This portrait shows the writing of the literary work and even more that of all Albert Cohen's life. It concentrates on illuminating the work by its historical context, the influence of its origins and social milieu. It is especially aimed at giving us the impression that Albert Cohen is there and speaking to us.
It calls on no witness and has no commentary : only Cohen is present in himself or in his texts. As if he was telling us his life-story in intimacy. A great part is played by the voice in this film. The delicate and ironic voice of Albert Cohen himself, either in extracts from television interviews or "off". The voice of great actors, Catherine Deneuve and Claude Rich who know how to reveal through their voices the lyrism and beauty of Cohen's language.

Author-Director : William Karel, Glenio Bonder
Delegate Producer : SIIS Interimage
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3, TSR (Télévision suisse romande)
Contribution : DLL (Direction du Livre et de la Lecture), CNC


Distributor : SIIS Interimage
Circulation-Consultation : BPI (Bibliothèque publique d'information)
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