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A Journey from Hell
Marlène Rabaud, Arnaud Zajtman
2012 - 26 min - HDV - Couleur - Belgique

"A journey from Hell" is the portrait of Antoine Vumilia, a political prisoner who managed to film daily life in Kinshasa’s main prison, and after ten years in detention, eventually managed to escape. In exile, Antoine takes part to theatre plays to denounce power abuse.

Author-Director : Marlène Rabaud, Arnaud Zajtman
Photography : Antoine Vumilia, Marlène Rabaud
Sound : Arnaud Zajtman
Editing : Sophie Vercruysse
Delegate Producer : Esprit Libre Production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Al Jazeera (Liban)
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE GEIE


Distributor : Esprit Libre Production
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