A Step Without Feet
Lydia Schamschula, Jeremy Glaholt
2018 - 45 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - Allemagne

English summary
"A Step Without Feet" is a documentary about connecting and sharing each others' cultures through universal themes like music, art, family, and friends. Within the backdrop of Berlins beautiful, winter landscape, we captured the daily lives of seven extraordinary Syrians exiled from their home country. Due to misguided stereotypes perpetuated by the media ; being labelled a "refugee" tends to carry negative connotations. This negative identity often leads to them feeling isolated.
The purpose of this film is to counter the medias consistent dehumanization of the Syrian asylum seekers. Once you are introduced to the individual, face-to-face, you are reminded of their humanity.

Auteur-Réalisateur : Lydia Schamschula, Jeremy Glaholt
Image : Jeremy Glaholt
Son : Mario Mc Coy Janad
Montage : Ilka Risse
Musique originale : Jacob Cox, Tommy Danbury
Producteur délégué : Lydia Schamschula
Coproducteur : Jeremy Glaholt


Distributeur : Aug&Ohr Medien