Catalogue des films de « Félix Blume »

Coordonnées :

30 films
Un comté apocryphe
Son | France | 2023

Yoknapatawpha. The name of a river, and that of William Faulkner’s apocryphal county. Apocryphal in his own words. Meaning "kept secret, hidden, set aside". Or "whose authenticity is not proven". Authentic or not, it’s where Faulkner located...

Lumières du désert
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | Mexique, France | 2020

Some strange lights appear at night in the Mexican desert. The residents tell us what they’ve seen: fire, a fireball, lights flying, lightning falling from the sky and a flash. The singularity of each experience builds a complete story narrated...

Kinshasa Beta Mbonda
Son | Belgique | 2019

A dozen or so young percussionists bring music to Barumbu, a poor neighbourhood of Kinshasa. They are the Beta Mbonda, former members of the Kuluna violent gangs. Music has given a new meaning to their lives while cementing their friendship....

Curupira, bête des bois
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 2018

At the very heart of the Amazon, Tauary inhabitants invite us to listen to the sounds of the jungle, their birds and animals. However, some weird sounds appear: a creature prowling around the trees. Some of them have heard her, very few have ever...

Pastorales électriques
Son | France, Maroc | 2017

L'électricité et la route arrivent dans les zones les plus enclavées du Haut-Atlas marocain. Sur une période de huit ans, le film suit le long processus d'électrification de la montagne et témoigne des bouleversements que l'arrivée de la...

Samuel in the Clouds
Son | Belgique, Pays-Bas | 2016

There are evidences of global warming everywhere in the world. Chacaltaya, Bolivia is also one of the places with the evidences. It used to have the highest ski resort in the world, but it is a bare mountain as snow has melted since 2000. Samuel...

Killing Time - Entre deux fronts
Son | France, Belgique | 2015

"Do you remember me?" the young father asks his toddler, placed in his arms as soon as he lands. Twentynine Palms, a military base in the Mojave Desert in California, welcomes Marines returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Whereas Laurent...

Son | Suisse | 2014

This film opens a window on Romansh, a language spoken only in the heartland of the Swiss mountains. The music of the language echoes throughout the valleys and the seasons, blending in with the sounds of the surrounding nature. The film draws...

En attendant le mois d’août
Son | Belgique | 2014

Georgiana Halmac, eldest daughter of her family, is turning fifteen this winter. She lives with her six siblings in a social housing condo on the outskirts of Bacau (Romania). Their mother Liliana, an economic migrant in Torino, will not be back...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Bruocsella !
Son | Belgique | 2014

Une jeune femme marche dans Bruxelles à la recherche d’un appartement, d’un emploi, enfin d’une situation, comme on dit. Jeanne connaît bien la ville. Elles ont en commun une sorte de beauté timide, terne et contrariée ; gracieuses...

30 films