L'école documentaire

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602 films
Je ne sais pas si tu peux comprendre
Mariette Gutherz | France | 2000 | 57 mn

This film tells the story of the transmission of an inheritance within a family, my family. It is not the transmission of material riches but the way in which the life of a father can determine in his children choices which participate in the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Petites Histoires près de Marseille
Béatrice Dubell | France | 2000 | 46 mn

The little stories in the title all centre round the question, "How can we live together ? How can we live, day by day, in our town or our part of town ? " Today, towns are not well. The film sits down at their bedside, listens to some of the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Charpentiers de bois tors
Daniel Rouyre | France | 2000 | 26 mn

"Les Charpentiers de bois tors" testifies to the talent of those men and women who get together to give birth to extraordinary ships. Paul Bonnel and Yann Mauffret, managers of the "Guip" shipyards define themselves as "the heirs of Colbert". By...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sirènes
Marielle Gros | France | 2000 | 26 mn

The purpose is to let the spectator enter a poetic world which allows him to approach the "imagination of matter" through different domains of water : artistic, musical, scientific, preparative environment for pregnancy as it was once described by...

Les Années "Lire"
Alexandra Vergnault | France | 2000 | 51 mn

My grandfather was called Jean Espana. One day I asked him to tell me the story of his life and I recorded his voice. He spoke to me at length about his militant life in Marseille : his 20 years in the Mouvement de la Paix, his exclusion from the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Ville est à nous !
Patrick Laroche | France | 2000 | 53 mn

A new stage in the renovation of the Cité des 4000, around the central district of La Tour, the disappearance of the "Renoir" apartment block, has its place in the context of the Grand Projet Urbain which brings together Aubervilliers, La...

Jour des frites
Thomas Sipp | France | 2000 | 7 mn

On August 11, 1999, not far from Paris, everybody was watching the last eclipse of the millennium, but for Mr Weiner, it was just Wednesday, the day of the French fries.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L'Ombre du voisin
Clode Hingant | France | 1999 | 53 mn

In the area of Kervally in Brest, renting a patch of land in the labour gardens is often felt as a substitute to home ownership. That's why, since they are set on a plot, gardeners find atavistic reflexes again such as valueing, expanding and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Damnés de la terre
Rivoherizo Andriakoto | France, Belgique, Madagascar | 1999 | 52 mn

Nobody remains human for long in the prison of Nosyvan island. You end up there a convict for ever, in exile, off Madagascar. Since its creation by the French colonial authorities in 1911, hundreds of condemned persons, transported, sent to a...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment www
Martie Stonguine, Fleur Albert | France | 1999 | 15 mn

Avril 1999. Temps de guerre. 13 jours en ligne. Et puis ta lettre est arrivée sur le réseau...

602 films