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Noms propres > Ligeti (György)

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

3 films
Trois Études pour piano de György Ligeti (1985)
Elisabeth Coronel, Arnaud de Mézamat | France | 2000 | 34 mn

A man of surprises, Ligeti plays with his performer since his pieces are virtuoso pieces, with the listener since he sets traps for him – sound illusions – and with himself with a set of very personal references. These essential pages of...

Györgi Ligeti - Portrait
Michel Follin | France, Belgique, Hongrie | 1993 | 64 mn

The composer Györgi Ligeti's background and biography is emblematic of the displaced, cosmopolitan, middle-European artist : uprooted by the Second World War, struggling against the dull artistic conformism of postwar communism, finding refuge in...

Musik im technischen Zeitalter : Györgi Ligeti
Peter Neitsch | Allemagne | 1963 | 47 mn

"Musik im technischen Zeitalter" est un cycle de conférences à la Kongresshalle de Berlin, animées par le professeur H.H. Stuckenschmidt. Celle-ci, filmée par le télévision allemande, est consacrée à Györgi Ligeti.