Nurith Aviv
2020 - 60 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - France, Israël

Seven young people share their love for Yiddish avant-garde poetry written during the interwar period - a period which saw a huge outbreak of Yiddish culture and creativity.
The poetry written was both personal and universal, closely aligned with the art movements of the time. The seven participants in the film, some of them Jewish and some not, move and live between different countries and languages. Each tells of their connection to Yiddish and to a poet or poetess close to their heart. For them, this poetry does not only belong to the Jewish past but speaks to the present.

Author-Director : Nurith Aviv
Photography : Cédric Dupire
Sound : Sonia Sokolowski
Editing : Rym Bouhedda, Nurith Aviv
Original Music : Georges Bloch
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Co-producer : Laïla Films
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : France Télévisions
Contribution : Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa, CNC. COSIP


Distributor : Éditions Montparnasse