SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Mémoire d’un paysage – pour Manuela
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Doc History: German Democratic Republic Mémoire d’un paysage – pour Manuela

Mémoire d’un paysage – pour Manuela ( Erinnerungen an eine Landschaft – für Manuela )
Kurt Tetzlaff
1983 - RDA - Couleur - 79'

This documentary tackles a difficult and politically sensitive environmental issue: villages being torn down to allow open-cast mining south of Leipzig. The film team followed communities over the course of four years: as the landscape changes, so do the lives of the people.

Photography : Eberhard Geick, Karl Farber
Sound : Hartmut Haase
Editing : Manfred Porsche
Production : DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme