SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Man with Mirror
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Guy Sherwin Man with Mirror

Man with Mirror
Guy Sherwin
1976-2017 - Royaume-Uni - Couleur - 10'

“In this piece the artist, standing in the beam of a Super 8 projector, holds and tilts a rectangular mirror painted white on the reverse. The mirror/screen reflects back into the room, or catches and reveals the Super 8 footage shot in 1976 showing Sherwin tilting an identical mirror/screen outdoors. As the film is projected, the live performer attempts to ‘mirror’ his own earlier movements, with confounding results. Which is the real Guy Sherwin, which is the projected image?” (Lucas Ihlein)


Image : Guy Sherwin
Montage : Guy Sherwin
Production : Guy Sherwin