SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Emigrants
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints The Emigrants

The Emigrants
José Vieira
2009 - France - Couleur - 75'

It’s the story of a village in which almost all the inhabitants have emigrated, looking for a better life. Some left forever, others came back. Through the dialogues and the tales of the people who live in the village in August, the film tries to know who are these men and women, who suddenly became, one day foreigners, uprooted forever, carrying the fracture of their familiar home.

Photography : José Vieira
Sound : José Vieira
Editing : Albane Peñaranda
Production : Aléas
Distribution : La Huit (distribution@lahuit.fr, +33 (0)1 53 44 70 88)