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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Outdoor screenings Demons in Paradise

Demons in Paradise
Jude Ratnam
2017 - France/Sri Lanka - Couleur - 93'

Sri Lanka, 1983: Jude Ratnam was five years old. He fled the massacre of the Tamils instigated by the majority-Sinhalese government on a red train. Now a filmmaker, he takes the same train from the south to the north of the island. As he advances, the traces of violence left by the twenty-six-year war, which turned the Tamil minority’s fight for freedom into self-destructive terrorism, pass before his eyes. Unveiling the repressed memories of his compatriots, he invites them to overcome their anger and opens the door to a possible reconciliation.

Auteur : Isabelle Marina, Jude Ratnam
Image : Chinthaka Somakeerthi, Mahinda Abeysinghe
Son : Wickrama Senevirathne
Montage : Jeanne Oberson
Musique : Rajkumar Dharshan
Production : Sister productions, Kriti a Work of Art