SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Le Prix du sang
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Africa Le Prix du sang

Le Prix du sang
Anne Elisabeth Ngo Minka
2010 - France/Sénégal - Couleur - 26'

Because I didn’t bleed during my first sexual intercourse, my boyfriend of that time accused me of having lied when I told him I was still a virgin. My film questions a concept, even an abstraction: virginity! How is it considered? I want to find out, and I use symbols and voices also to represent it… And because this issue is at the core of several religions, I question Islam and Roman Catholicism; but also tradition and science. Anne Elisabeth Ngo Minka

Photography : Anne Elisabeth Ngo Minka, Ndeye Souna Dièye
Sound : Anne Elisabeth Ngo Minka, Ndeye Souna Dièye
Editing : Anne Elisabeth Ngo Minka
Production : Ardèche images & l'Université Gaston Berger de Saint- Louis (Sénégal)
Distribution : Africadoc France (contact@africadoc.net, +33 (0)4 75 37 93 51)